Saturday, March 3, 2012

What a week...

I am thinking that 2012 needs a restart. January and February gave a really bad showing. Thankfully, they are over and March may lead us into a much "kinder" 2012.
This past week (the end of February) provided the worst experience imaginable for a teacher and parent. The events at Chardon High School on 2.27.2012 will be memorialized for all to look back at, but I wanted to place these two picture up here to remember it by. The students and staff of RHS were so amazing and extremely dedicated to the moment. Banners were made, walls were painted, pictures were taken and much money was raised. I cannot imagine what the Chardon staff and parents are going through... from this side of the fence it is hard enough. This week has taught me to be thankful for being raised in Chardon, being a Hilltopper, having taught at Chardon (although it be choir and for less than a year- it taught me more than anyone could imagine) and that I have a safe and healthy family.

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